Wednesday, November 10, 2010

ROMS bulk forcing update

In case anyone is interested I now have a version of ROMS_TOOLS that will accommodate the CORE 2 forcing data set. The data-set needs to be pre-prepared top put all variables on a consistent time-step and separate it into monthly blocks. Roms_blk files now contain no wind stress variables (redundant space) and specific rather than relative humidity. Only downward long-wave radiation is included - black body radiation is corrected for in the bulk routine. Shortwave radiation is corrected for with a flat albedo for sea-water (0.065). The ROMS algorithms have been adapted to cope with specific humidity.

I have also engineered a way to allow ROMS to accept an anomaly on the fly (labelled 'anom' in, this way anomalies can be applied to data sets without rebuilding the forcing fields. Let me know if this is of use - the anomaly I have made is currently just applicable to wind stress.

Lastly, we now have the entire CORE2 data-set, normal year and inter-annual series, both in corrected forms. I am currently working on adapting the boundary routines to take data from a few ORCA configurations, which we now have the data for in house (contact me if you want more details on this: configs are ORCA05 and ORCA2 from the Kiel Climate Model).

If anyone spots that I have done something a bit stupid above, please let me know!



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