Monday, October 11, 2010

Welcome to the UCT ocean modelling blog!

This space has been created for modellers to, not only share their successes so that they can help and inspire others, but also to vent their frustrations so that they can let off steam (!) and, with a bit of luck, be helped by someone else. It is also a place where modellers can keep abreast of what the local community is up to...without leaving the comfort of their own office chair! I'm not trying to encourage social delinquency, but an online forum provides a more accessible way of sharing modelling activities with colleagues who may not be based in your immediate vicinity (like, in your office).

In the next few months a UCT ocean server protocol will be developed. This is becoming important as the number of people using Bart, Lisa, Marge and, in the near future, Maggie, increases. We are trying to develop a system that will help to make the administration and the upkeep of these machines more efficient. At the next Monday modellers meet (to be announced soon), we will talk about how we plan to use google applications to make our lives easier...and we look forward to your input on that.

As the first post, I thought some eye-candy would be's a ROMS model simulation of depth averaged currents, between 0-100 m depth for the Benguela system. The colourbar is the speed and the arrows show the direction: black for northward, white for southward. Sorry, the arrows are small and very difficult to see and if you maximize the animation, it is very blurry.

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