Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Submitting a ROMS JOB on the Oceanography Department's High Performance Computing Facilities - hosted by the Climate Systems Analysis Group


I have run a ROMS test case on the Oceanography Department's new High Performance Computing Facilities -

For useful information and guidelines on using the cluster I suggest you read the “Guidelines for the use and administration of the Oceanography Department's High Performance Computing Facilities - hosted by the Climate Systems Analysis Group” which should be given to you once an account has been created for you on the cluster. Information on the Queue management system (Sun Grid Engine) and shared libraries can be found in this document.

I have made a testcase directory in my scratch directory that a new user can copy into their scratch directory and use as a starting point - /scratch/ocean/nburls/ROMS_CORE_testcase

The files of interest in it are:

1) jobcomp_mpich2_intel64

Note! As mentioned at the top of this script, you have to source the Intel compiler in your .bashrc script or in the jobcomp script.

# source /share/apps/intel/Compiler/11.1/073/bin/ intel64

# source /share/apps/intel/Compiler/11.1/073/bin/ intel64

Also note that as it is currently configured this script makes use of source code in my home directory,

set SOURCE=/home/nburls/Roms_tools/Roms_Agrif

and the mvapich library,


and netcdf library,

set NETCDFLIB=-L/share/apps/netcdf-3.6.3-intel_intel64/lib

set NETCDFINC=-I/share/apps/netcdf-3.6.3-intel_intel64/include

2) run_roms_CORE_joinfiles.csh OR run_roms_CORE_nojoin.csh

Currently set to run on 8 processors.


set NCJOIN=/home/nburls/bin/ncjoin

set PARTIT=/home/nburls/bin/partit

As per Nicolette's previous post the run_roms_CORE_nojoin.csh run script does not rejoin the average and diagnostics output files, while run_roms_CORE_joinfiles.csh does.

See Nicolette's SUN Runscripts -

Let me know if any issues pop up. Hopefully not.

The next step will be to get the matlab licence server up and running on the CORE cluster so that one can do ROMS pre and post processing in batch mode on the cluster.
